Friday, January 10, 2020

Case Study Essay

1. Refer to Exhibit 3-3. How would a first-line manager’s job differ in these two organizations? How about a top-level manager’s job? Different managers perform at different levels and require different skills. To meet the demands of performing their functions, managers assume multiple roles. In Organization A, strong attention would be given to detail, with little innovation and risk taking. Teamwork would not be encouraged, and employees would be viewed as a means to an end. Strict controls would be placed on workers, and task achievement would be most important. The supervisor would have little latitude and would do things â€Å"by the book.† In Organization B, innovation and risk taking would be highly encouraged. The supervisor would have more autonomy in how to achieve goals. Employees would be given the opportunity to provide input, and a team approach would be used. People would be viewed as important contributors. The supervisor’s job would be more like that of a coach, encourager, and facilitator. 2. Describe an effective culture for a relatively stable environment and a dynamic environment. Explain your choices. An effective culture for a relatively stable environment would likely emphasize outcomes such as quality and productivity and would give significant attention to detail. It would not require high levels of innovation, risk taking, or aggressiveness. Conversely, an effective culture for a dynamic environment would likely em-phasize aggressiveness, innovation, risk taking, and team orientation. To stay on top of continual environmental changes, this organization would have a culture that celebrates productive work behaviors. 3. Classrooms have cultures. Describe your classroom culture, using the seven dimensions of organizational culture. Does the culture constrain your instructor? How? Educators today hear a lot about gaps in education – achievement gaps, funding gaps, school-readiness gaps. Still, there’s another gap that often goes unexamined: the cultural gap between students and teachers. 4. Can culture be a liability to an organization? Explain. organizational culture could be a liability. In the global environment, a society that discriminates on the basis of ethnicity or gender or in the exploitation of workers could experience a backlash from the reactions of consumers in other nations. 5. Why is it important for managers to understand the external forces that are acting on them and their organization? All outside factors that may affect an organization make up the external environment . The external environment is divided into two parts: Directly interactive: This environment has an immediate and firsthand impact upon the organization. A new competitor entering the market is an example. Directly interactive forces include owners, customers, suppliers, competitors, employees, and employee unions. Indirectly interactive: This environment has a secondary and more distant effect upon the organization. New legislation taking effect may have a great impact. indirectly interactive forces. These forces include sociocultural, political and legal, technological, economic, and global influences. Indirectly interactive forces may impact one organization more than another simply because of the nature of a particular business. 6. â€Å"Businesses are built on relationships.† What do you think this statement means? What are the implications for managing the external environment? organizations depend on their environment and their stakeholders as a source of inputs and a recipient of outputs. Good relationships can lead to organizational outcomes such as improved predictability of environmental changes, more successful innovations, greater degrees of trust among stakeholders, and greater flexibility in acting to reduce the impact of change. 7. What would be the drawbacks to managing stakeholder relationships? Stakeholder theory is widely recognized as a management theory, yet very little research has considered its implications for individual managerial decision making. But maybe the company’s stakeholders aren’t working to help the company instead they work for their own good maybe to steal or something else

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